trades info:

do not dm with different offers than what i stated in my post, you'll be left on read and ignored. since i'm a new account, i will out first. i'll send video proof with flash on (in general or in case of possible damages). when posting your proofs, please make sure my username/@ is visible. when you receive my trade, i prefer story proof but i'm okay with a picture proof sent in our dms.

when done reading all my information, please send a 🐰 emoji with ur message.

sales info:

be 17+ when purchasing from me. i only do paypal f&f. no refunds and holds can last only for 24 hours (unless u need more time, please let me know). i don't do tracked shipping.

when done reading all my information, please send a 🐰 emoji with ur message.

this is

...or mimi!

they neo prns 20 (03 liner) mexican/white unlabeled gender bi cancer (0627)